Georgina Tuvey

Unfortunately, Mrs Tuvey is no longer with us as she passed away in 2006. she was a great and influential teacher and is missed by all whose lives have been touched by her.
in the next section is a testimonial written by Mrs Tuvey on why Choi was her passion and in the bottom section is a collection of memories and tributes from just a few of the many people who knew Mrs Tuvey
Words were written by Mrs Tuvey taken from Choi Kwang Do International Website
I am a retired headteacher, 3rd Degree Black Belt, Chief Instructor and Examiner for Norfolk in Choi Kwang Do. I am 72 years of age.
When I was a headteacher, I ran a free after school club, using Choi Kwang Do as a means of helping children to overcome their aggression that was taking place at the time. And found that involving them in this Choi Kwang Do helped them in the school, not only in overcoming bullying, but also with their concentration and self-esteem.Choi Kwang Do training had other spin-offs. The Parents, started to support their children when they discovered how much improvement generally they had made, by coming to watch them grade, support and encourage them. This had not happened previously. Most of these children came from one-parent families on low income.
The instruction is provided in a disciplined and friendly environment, which focuses on the personal and social development, rather than on competition. The training also helped physically and emotionally. The children have gained in confidence in their ability to defend themselves and to walk away from aggression, to set realistic goals, and to realise their own self-worth. They have learned to co-operate and to help others and several have gained their Black Belts.
I am very committed to Choi Kwang-Do because it is an Art that anybody can take part in, young or old, without damage or harm to the body, and helps to keep you flexible and healthy even into old age.
Georgina Turvey
3rd Degree Black Belt and Chief Instructor
Memories of Georgina (ena) Tuvey
Special Report from Pauline Chinnery,
Ranworth First Shool (now Henderson Green Primary)
Georgina was head at Ranworth First School until she retired in 1998, when I became the headteacher. She led the school through a very successful Ofsted inspection and many exciting opportunities for staff and children. I was fortunate to take over from a headteacher who had led the school with such commitment, effi ciency and good humour. I was delighted that she continued the link with the school through running the Choi Kwang Do class on a Tuesday and Thursday evening in the hall many of our children and others in the community benefited from Georgina’s energetic enthusiasm.
‘I worked with Ena from January ’89 until July ’98. I was only meant to stay at Ranworth for 14 weeks as a UEA student but thanks to Ena’s support and encouragement I stayed a little longer (16 years!). I became class teacher and deputy headteacher helped by Georgina at each stage. She was a friend and a colleague and always had a cheery smile and good advice when needed. I have many good memories of Ena, including her starring roles in school shows, end-of-year barbecues and her failed attempt to persuade me to join her Choi class (aided by her son Eric)! I will miss her sparkling personality and good sense of humour.
‘Ena was a very special part of life in North Earlham for many years and will be sadly missed by all of us who knew her and worked with her.’
Julie Dicks, student, teacher and deputy headteacher
The first time I met Ena she was showing me around Ranworth First School. We walked into the Reception classroom where some children were painting. She told me about the children (she was extremely proud of them). When we left she had an enormous splodge of blue paint across her pale pink skirt but she did not bat an eyelid. She considered such things completely unimportant in comparison to the children’s needs. ‘I was always amazed at the energy Ena had. After a day at school (and not, as many people think, only from 9.00 to 3.00) she would disappear into her room. Then, having changed into her Choi Kwang Do uniform, she would spend a few hours teaching, not one but two classes before going home to her family. How did she do that? Whatever it was, I would like some of it!’
Georgina was headteacher when I first became a governor. I do remember being very unsure about what was expected of me in that role. However, my first visit to the school was very reassuring. Georgina was warm and welcoming – always a big smile and a ‘get up and go’ attitude. Children and staff knew what was expected of them they had lots of fun, and ample praise and attention (but ‘no nonsense’). Governors’ meetings, capably headed by Dick Phelan, supported Georgina and were efficiently run on the basis of the paperwork she provided for them. The governors were relaxed and friendly, and showed great confidence in her.
She would always have a go at something. She decided she would bike from her home to school and back for charity. Guess what? There were plenty of posters along the way, put up the evening before by her friends to encourage her along. ‘On her way home she was escorted by cars hooting to push her along. She did it – a little red-faced and saddle-sore’!
Dining Hall Supervisor
I remember her as someone who would listen to your problems, always had a smile, was a friend to everybody and enjoyed life to the full
Dining Hall Supervisor
If it wasn’t for Georgina I may not have worked at Ranworth. She also used to invite all the staff in summer for a family barbecue and swimming. Her family made mine feel very much a whole family together as all our children and her grandchildren grew into adults to be very proud of.
Teaching Assistant
She was a nice lady and I’m glad I met her.
Student From Her Choi Class, Age 7
She was good at doing hard punches and hard kicks in the Choi class.
Student From Her Choi Class, Age 7
She used to run the school. She was a very kind lady. We used to play games in the Choi class.
Student From Her Choi Class, Age 7
Many fond and heartfelt memories from those who knew Georgina – her energy and enthusiasm will remain an inspiration to us all.
I am delighted that the Choi class, supported by NELM, continues to be run by Eric, Georgina’s son, in our school hall on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. There are vacancies in the After School Club at 5 pm. Please come along and see Eric if you would like your child to join.
Pauline Chinnery, Headteacher at Ranworth First School
It was with great sadness that we, here at NELM Development Trust, heard of the sudden passing away of Georgina Tuvey, Project Manager for the Choi Kwang-Do project. Georgina, as a former headteacher and Chief Instructor and Chief Examiner of Choi Kwang Do, was aware of the problems of bullying, aggression, lack of self-esteem and low educational achievement in young people and set up the Choi Kwang Do project in Ranworth First School in 1994. This is a modern martial arts philosophy that focuses on personal and social development. The project has been extremely successful, enabling young people to take part in an activity and to be successful in their gradings. Georgina will be remembered for her energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the project, and indeed the success of young people in the NELM area who have benefi ted from the project will be an ongoing celebration of her life.
Gwen May
NELM Deputy Executive Director